Many people know about the seven major chakras. I would like to introduce you to a sweet spot, the Higher Heart Chakra. Also referred to as the Ascended Heart Chakra or the Thymus Chakra, it is located between the heart and the throat. According to AwakeningState.com, this is where intent originates. It is the connection between the reason of language and the emotions of the heart. This chakra aids in clarifying your life’s purpose and strengthens the higher self to express itself.
Cinnamon Crow stated in their blog, Functions of the Higher Heart Chakra, this chakra helps you learn when to show compassion and give aid and when to accept the situations it is and move on as it is not healthy to own another’s suffering.
My personal experience with this chakra is very limited. I look forward to working with it and getting more connected. It has been said that this chakra is the seat of the soul and I, for one, firmly believe this. When I put my hands over my Heart Chakra (located in your heart space) and feel into it energetically, I feel a deep love and I just want to give the whole world a bear hug. When I put both hands over my Higher Heart Chakra (above your heart space right on the bone), I immediately sit up straight. I feel my heart beating inside my body, but I also hear a echo in the ether that beats right in time. Is that my higher self’s heart? I believe it is, calling me, connecting with me from deep in the universe, reminding me of why I decided to come to Earth at this time and in this place. It is a connection that is very difficult to explain, but very powerful to feel.
I invite you to connect with this lesser know chakra and share your experiences in the comments.
Location: Between the heart and throat
Gland: Thymus
Color: Aquamarine
Body System: Immune, Lymphatic
Helps Calm: High Blood Pressure, Irritability, Sleeplessness
Key: F Sharp
Scents: Frankincense, Lavendar, Grapefruit
Crystals: Dioptase, Bloodstone, Angelite, Turquoise, Blue Tourmaline
Affirmation: I ACCEPT
When Open:
Able to give and received joyfully
Able to connect to your dreams
Opens to higher spiritual levels
When Underactive:
Inability to express emotion
Lack of compassion, self acceptance
Overprotective, angry and greedy
When Over Active:
Tap into other’s dreams and experience them as your own
Feeling the victim, loss of boundaries
Accepting unacceptable behavior
References https://www.healing-crystals-for-you.com/higher-heart-chakra-stones.html https://cinnamoncrow.wordpress.com/2012/08/27/functions-of-the-higher-heart-chakra/ http://www.awakeningstate.com/spiritual-awakening/thymus-chakra-higher-heart/ https://upliftconnect.com/thymus-seat-human-soul/